Friday, March 12, 2010

A Picture Paints a Compound Word

I found this great stack of 44 pictures at my school the other day. They are compound word puzzles from the early 80s. I love them because of the bright colors and retro art. I am thinking that they would be so cute in a child's room or play room. Maybe 9 of them laid out in a grid pattern and framed with simple white frames. Or hung across a wall with string and clothes pins to easily change them out. Perfect. Now the only thing missing is the kid.

See if you can figure these 3 out:


{courtney} said...

Uh, you gotta help a girl out here! I figured out the last one but not the first two. Answers, please!

Love the Asian Turquoise library tote!

Kristin Ann said...

the answers:
"riverbed", "nightmare", and "carpool"