Sunday, February 28, 2010

Big Brooch, Little Bag

I am trying to build up my inventory at sewnsunday so that I can bring a bunch of goodies to sell at Textures. Since Christmas, business has been slower and I haven't been sewing as much. Well time to get busy!!! Today I have been working on my Amber Wristlets in various colors using flower brooches that I already had on hand. I have three down and two to go!

Amber Clutch in Aqua

Amber Wristlet in Forest

Amber Wristlet in Forest

Amber Wristlet in Brown Dots
Amber Wristlet in Brown Dots

Soon to be an Amber Wristlet

Soon to be an Amber Wristlet


Anonymous said...

oh those are all just fabulous... you are a textile coordinating artist!! always love the patterns and tones you work with...

come by for a chance to win my small doiley giveaway!


LINDSAY said...

These are all really cute! good work :)